Advances in Quantum Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Image Classification: A Survey

Kharsa, R., Bouridane, A., & Amira, A. (2023). Advances in Quantum Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Image Classification: A Survey. Neurocomputing560, 126843.
Recent papers published between 2015 and 2022. Keywords, “Quantum, Machine Learning, Image, Classification, QCNNVQC, Quantum Neural Network (QNN), QTNQSVM, QKNN, and MNIST”
QML and QDL algorithms development can enable parallel tasks and reduce the time complexity of the classical algorithms.
Parameterized Quantum Circuits (PQC), also known as ansatzes, are unitary matrices that vary depending on a set of parameters.
Fundamental componets including VQC, QTN, QCNN.

1.1 Image classification

notion image

1.2 Encoding Method

1.2.1 Amplitude encoding

N pixels .
The number of the required qubits is .
Main limitation: computational complexity, circuit depth.

1.2.2 Angle encoding

Using the aprameterized rotation gates.
1 pixel → 1 angle.
, n is the number of qubits.
Meaning N pixels, then qubits are required.

1.2.3 Dense angle encoding

2 pixels → 1 angle/qubit
It reduces the required qubits to .


notion image
notion image

1.2.4 Hybrid encoding

More advanced encoding methods, both amplitude and angle strategies to reduce the number of qubits and gates, thus reducing the circuit complexity and increasing the algorithm efficiency.

1.3 Quantum machine learning algorithms

1.3.1 Quantum support vector machine

1.3.2 Quantum K nearest neighbor

notion image
The first is the superposition state of the training set, the second is the testing sample, and the third is the ancillary qubit that determines the distance.

1.4 Quantum deep learning algorithms

VQC, QTN, QCNN are hybrid classical-quantum models.
VQC focuses on training a number of PQCs that do not follow a specific classical architecture. It can be analog to Aritificial Neural Network (ANN) in classical terminology.

1.4.1 Mainly classical-Variational/parameterised quantum circuit

notion image

1.4.2 Mainly quantum

  • Development of variational quantum deep neural networks for image recognition
    • First model, PCA 784 to 10 pixels → angle encoding method.
    • Second model, images are padded (power of 2) → amplitude encoding method.
    • Third model, a hybrid encoding model.
    • demonstrate the ability of quantum to improve performance even wit a limited number of parameters and qubits.
      However, the VQC can be enhanced with QCNN, which is more immune to the Barren Plateaus.
convolutional autoencoder

1.5 Quantum convolution neural network

The quantum version of the classical CNN, consists of multiple consecutive conv and Pooling layers.
Two approaches, the first is the implementation of a quantum conv filter to a classical cirucit, and the other is to implement all classification layers as a quantum circuit of quantum conv and pooling layers.
notion image

1.5.1 Quantum concolutional filter in the classical model

  • RGB image classification with quantum convolutional ansatz
    • a hybrid classical-quantum CNN that classifies RGB Images effectively.
    • 12 qubits are employed to encode the classical pixels for three channels with a windows size of .
    • high computation resources that are required to simulate.
    • high accuracy, better performance, loss curves are smoother.

1.5.2 Quantum convolutional network as the main model

  • Variational convolutional neural networks classifiers
    • 变分卷积神经网络 VCNN, to replace the classical conv and pooling layers in the CNN.
    • angle encoding method.
    • SGD optimization. binary-cross-entropy loss function is minimised.

1.6 Key Challenges

1.6.1 NISQ

Most of the experiments in the discussed papers are executed in fault-tolerant simulators that do not consider the noise in real quantum computers, which questions whether the NISQ computers are capable of actually classifying images.

1.6.2 Limited number of feasible simulated qubits

The exponential growth of parameters that simulators need to keep track of with the number of qubits limits the number of feasible qubits in the simulators.
Moreover, because of this hurdle, researchers are driven to employ image reduction methods that result in immense information loss and accuracy drop.

1.6.3 Image encoding methods

Until now, all the embedding methods require image down-scaling mainly because of the considerable depth of the circuit or the number of qubits.

1.6.4 Sophisticated images datasets & Color images & Future directions

The statistics show a lack of literature supporting color and multi-class classification and indicate the necessity for new research that addresses these issues.
notion image

1.6.5 Novel image embedding

Original images without down-sizing.

1.6.6 RGB support

The red, green, and blue channels can be extracted and encoded separately using a novel approach.