只是记录,不是教程(personal reading record)
Biamonte, J., Wittek, P., Pancotti, N. et al. Quantum machine learning. Nature 549, 195–202 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature23474
Tychola, K.A.; Kalampokas, T.; Papakostas, G.A. Quantum Machine Learning—An Overview. Electronics 2023, 12, 2379. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12112379
TIME | TYPE | ㅤ | ㅤ |
2014 | QSVM | Rebentrost, P.; Mohseni, M.; Lloyd, S. Quantum Support Vector Machine for Big Data Classification. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2014,
113, 130503. | 大数据排序 |
2017 | QML | Biamonte, J.; Wittek, P.; Pancotti, N.; Rebentrost, P.; Wiebe, N.; Lloyd, S. Quantum Machine Learning. Nature 2017, 549, 195–202. | ㅤ |
2015 | ML-ATTACK | Mozaffari-Kermani, M.; Sur-Kolay, S.; Raghunathan, A.; Jha, N.K. Systematic Poisoning Attacks on and Defenses for Machine
Learning in Healthcare. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform. 2015, 19, 1893–1905. | ㅤ |
2021 | ML-ATTACK | Qayyum, A.; Qadir, J.; Bilal, M.; Al-Fuqaha, A. Secure and Robust Machine Learning for Healthcare: A Survey. IEEE Rev. Biomed.
Eng. 2021, 14, 156–180. | ㅤ |
2019 | ML-ATTACK | Wang, B.; Yao, Y.; Shan, S.; Li, H.; Viswanath, B.; Zheng, H.; Zhao, B.Y. Neural Cleanse: Identifying and Mitigating Backdoor
Attacks in Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), San Francisco, CA, USA,
19–23 May 2019; pp. 707–723. | ㅤ |
2016 | SAL | da Silva, A.J.; Ludermir, T.B.; de Oliveira, W.R. Quantum Perceptron over a Field and Neural Network Architecture Selection in a
Quantum Computer. Neural Netw. 2016, 76, 55–64. | 基于叠加的ML架构 |
2022 | QKNN | Li, J., Lin, S., Yu, K. et al. Quantum K-nearest neighbor classification algorithm based on Hamming distance. Quantum Inf Process 21, 18 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-021-03361-0 | K近邻分类 |
2014 | tree-classifier | Lu, S., Braunstein, S.L. Quantum decision tree classifier. Quantum Inf Process 13, 757–770 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-013-0687-5 | ㅤ |
2020 | ㅤ | Adhikary, S., Dangwal, S. & Bhowmik, D. Supervised learning with a quantum classifier using multi-level systems. Quantum Inf Process 19, 89 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-020-2587-9 | 分类器,N维数据编码 |
2020 | HQFSA | Chakraborty, S., Shaikh, S.H., Chakrabarti, A. et al. A hybrid quantum feature selection algorithm using a quantum inspired graph theoretic approach. Appl Intell 50, 1775–1793 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-019-01604-3 | 特征选择 |
2018 | ㅤ | Ciliberto, C.; Herbster, M.; Ialongo, A.D.; Pontil, M.; Rocchetto, A.; Severini, S.; Wossnig, L. Quantum Machine Learning: A
Classical Perspective. Proc. R. Soc. A 2008, 474, 20170551. | 讨论QML局限性,对比经典算法的优势 |
2018 | QSVM | Dunjko, V.; Briegel, H.J. Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence in the Quantum Domain: A Review of Recent Progress. Rep.
Prog. Phys. 2018, 81, 074001. | 应用QSVM |
2015 | ㅤ | Schuld, M.; Sinayskiy, I.; Petruccione, F. An Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning. Contemp. Phys. 2015, 56, 172–185. | 处理大数据的量子机器学习算法 |
2018 | ㅤ | Havenstein, C.; Thomas, D.; Chandrasekaran, S. Comparisons of performance between quantum and classical machine learning.
SMU Data Sci. Rev. 2018, 1, 11. | 经典和量子计算机上的性能比较。QSVM更具优势 |
2020 | QNN, QSVM, QML | Mishra, N. et al. (2021). Quantum Machine Learning: A Review and Current Status. In: Sharma, N., Chakrabarti, A., Balas, V.E., Martinovic, J. (eds) Data Management, Analytics and Innovation. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1175. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5619-7_8 | 回顾众多QML算法 |
2016 | ㅤ | McClean, J.R.; Romero, J.; Babbush, R.; Aspuru-Guzik, A. The Theory of Variational Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms. New
J. Phys. 2016, 18, 023023. | VQE改进 |
2021 | QNN | Abbas, A.; Sutter, D.; Zoufal, C.; Lucchi, A.; Figalli, A.; Woerner, S. The Power of Quantum Neural Networks. Nat. Comput. Sci.
2021, 1, 403–409. | 量子神经网络 |
2019 | QCNN | Cong, I.; Choi, S.; Lukin, M.D. Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks. Nat. Phys. 2018, 15, 1273–1278 | 量子卷积神经网络 |
2020 | QRNN | Bausch, J. Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks. arXiv 2020, arXiv:2006.14619. | 量子递归神经网络 |
2021 | QNN | Zhao, R.; Wang, S. A Review of Quantum Neural Networks: Methods, Models, Dilemma. arXiv 2021, arXiv:2109.01840. | 回顾及介绍QNN模型 |
2022 | QNN | Maronese, M., Destri, C. & Prati, E. Quantum activation functions for quantum neural networks. Quantum Inf Process 21, 128 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-022-03466-0 | QNN 量子激活函数 |
2021 | QNN | Cerezo, M., Sone, A., Volkoff, T. et al. Cost function dependent barren plateaus in shallow parametrized quantum circuits. Nat Commun 12, 1791 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-21728-w | 量子电路里的贫瘠高原 |
2018 | QNN | McClean, J.R., Boixo, S., Smelyanskiy, V.N. et al. Barren plateaus in quantum neural network training landscapes. Nat Commun 9, 4812 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-07090-4 | 量子电路里的贫瘠高原 |
2019 | ~IBM | Havlíˇcek, V.; Córcoles, A.D.; Temme, K.; Harrow, A.W.; Kandala, A.; Chow, J.M.; Gambetta, J.M. Supervised Learning with
Quantum-Enhanced Feature Spaces. Nature 2019, 567, 209–212. | 量子增强特征空间-量子变分分类器和量子核估计器 |
2014 | QNN | Schuld, M.; Sinayskiy, I.; Petruccione, F. The Quest for a Quantum Neural Network. Quantum Inf. Process. 2014, 13, 2567–2586 | 截至2014,讨论QNN模型 |
2019 | QML | Schuld, M.; Killoran, N. Quantum Machine Learning in Feature Hilbert Spaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2019, 122, 040504. | 希尔伯特空间-核方法(文章提到在QML领域很少被研究) |
2021 | QSVM | Vashisth, S.; Dhall, I.; Aggarwal, G. Design and Analysis of Quantum Powered Support Vector Machines for Malignant Breast
Cancer Diagnosis. J. Intell. Syst. 2021, 30, 998–1013. | 应用 |
2021 | QML | Liu, Y., Arunachalam, S. & Temme, K. A rigorous and robust quantum speed-up in supervised machine learning. Nat. Phys. 17, 1013–1017 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-021-01287-z | 量子核估计QKE,量子加速 |
2023 | QML | Jerbi, S., Fiderer, L.J., Poulsen Nautrup, H. et al. Quantum machine learning beyond kernel methods. Nat Commun 14, 517 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36159-y | QML模型比较,线性量子模型 |
2023 | QNN | Moussa, C., Patel, Y.J., Dunjko, V. et al. Hyperparameter importance and optimization of quantum neural networks across small datasets. Mach Learn (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10994-023-06389-8 | 小数据集,超参数重要性验证 |
2021 | ㅤ | Acampora, G., Schiattarella, R. Deep neural networks for quantum circuit mapping. Neural Comput & Applic 33, 13723–13743 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06009-3 | 专用于量子电路映射到实际机器上的神经网络,例IBM 127-Qubit 芯片 |
2023 | ㅤ | Watkins, W.M., Chen, S.YC. & Yoo, S. Quantum machine learning with differential privacy. Sci Rep 13, 2453 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-24082-z | 差分隐私QML |
2021 | QFL | Li, W., Lu, S. & Deng, DL. Quantum federated learning through blind quantum computing. Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 64, 100312 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11433-021-1753-3 | 量子联邦学习,安全角度探索 |
2022 | QML, QSVM, QCNN | Kalinin, M., Krundyshev, V. Security intrusion detection using quantum machine learning techniques. J Comput Virol Hack Tech 19, 125–136 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11416-022-00435-0 | 应用,对比经典的与QCNN和QSVM训练效果 |
2021 | ㅤ | Li, W., Deng, DL. Recent advances for quantum classifiers. Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 65, 220301 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11433-021-1793-6 | 分类器 |
2023 | QML | Senokosov, A., Sedykh, A., Sagingalieva, A., & Melnikov, A. (2023). Quantum machine learning for image classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.09224. | 应用,MNIST图像分类 |
2023 | *QML | Kharsa, Ruba, Ahmed Bouridane, and Abbes Amira. "Advances in Quantum Machine Learning and deep learning for image classification: A survey." Neurocomputing (2023): 126843. | QML图像分类综述 |
2013 | unsupervised | Lloyd, Seth, Masoud Mohseni, and Patrick Rebentrost. "Quantum algorithms for supervised and unsupervised machine learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.0411 (2013). | 监督学习、非监督学习 |
2022 | ㅤ | Zhang, Yichi, et al. "Federated Learning with Quantum Secure Aggregation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.07444 (2022). | 联邦学习,量子安全 |
2019 | unsupervised | Kerenidis, Iordanis, et al. "q-means: A quantum algorithm for unsupervised machine learning." Advances in neural information processing systems 32 (2019). | k-means |
2022 | unsupervised | Kyriienko, Oleksandr, and Einar B. Magnusson. "Unsupervised quantum machine learning for fraud detection." arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01203 (2022). | 欺诈检测应用,PCA预处理 |
2017 | unsupervised | Otterbach, Johannes S., et al. "Unsupervised machine learning on a hybrid quantum computer." arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.05771 (2017). | 偏物理 |
2022 | ㅤ | Jing, Y., Li, X., Yang, Y. et al. RGB image classification with quantum convolutional ansatz. Quantum Inf Process 21, 101 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-022-03442-8 | RGB 图像分类 |
2023 | QML | West, M. T., Erfani, S. M., Leckie, C., Sevior, M., Hollenberg, L. C., & Usman, M. (2023). Benchmarking adversarially robust quantum machine learning at scale. Physical Review Research, 5(2), 023186. | 对抗攻击 |
2023 | ㅤ | West, M. T., Sevior, M., & Usman, M. (2023). Reflection equivariant quantum neural networks for enhanced image classification. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 4(3), 035027. | 复杂、高分辨率图像 |
2023 | ㅤ | Xiong, H., Duan, X., Yu, Y., Zhang, J., & Yin, H. (2023, May). Image Classification Based on Quantum Machine Learning. In 2023 5th International Conference on Intelligent Control, Measurement and Signal Processing (ICMSP) (pp. 891-895). IEEE. | 图像分类 |
2024 | ㅤ | Pirnay, N., Ulitzsch, V., Wilde, F., Eisert, J., & Seifert, J. P. (2024). An in-principle super-polynomial quantum advantage for approximating combinatorial optimization problems via computational learning theory. Science Advances, 10(11), eadj5170. | 组合优化优势证明 |
Enabling breakthroughs in various scientific domains, including cryptography, big
data analysis, machine learning, optimization, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain.
当今监督QML主要两种方法:QSVM(a kernel-based method)和VQC(a variational approach)。
变分量子电路 Variational Quantum Circuit(VQC)是一种具有自由参数的量子门电路,可以近似、优化和分类各种算术任务。基于 VQC 的算法被称为变分量子算法 (VQA),这是一种经典的量子混合算法,其中参数优化通常发生在经典计算机上。 VQA 使用具有量子特性的学习参数来接近目标函数,例如可逆线性门操作和使用接合层的多层结构。 VQC 已被用来取代现有的卷积神经网络 (CNN),QNN 被定义为 VQA 的子集。
虽然 VQA 仍然是设计 QNN 的重要方法,但它也继承了它的一些缺点。例如,QNN框架目前面临着贫瘠高原的问题,但尚未提出针对该问题的具体解决方案。
QSVM比经典SVM的计算要求更高且速度更慢,至少25G RAM用时3小时训练,相比之下经典只用不到1G RAM和1小时完成训练。
Advances in Quantum Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Image Classification: A Survey
图像识别:图像(彩色)编码,输入降维,Barren Plateaus